East Windsor, CT – January 30, 2023. Today, the Retirement Advisor Council made public and freely available a template Request for Proposal (RFP) questionnaire for use by Foundations and Endowments (F&E) looking to select an Investment Advisor.
This customizable document includes 63 questions on thirteen pages. You can download the template RFP questionnaire as a Microsoft Word document HERE on the Web site of the Council. The template is provided without copyright restrictions..
This new version complements the other popular RFP search templates available from the Council since 2012. The questionnaire helps endowments and foundations gauge advisors’ investment consulting services and process, services, and fees. The template includes optional questions addressing Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) factors that have become increasingly popular in recent years.
"The Retirement Advisor Council has a long history of providing industry leading research and resources to Consultants and Clients; over the past year we have been focusing on Client's Foundations and Endowments (F&E) and how best to offer services to those entities. The F&E Investment Consultant Request for Proposal is one such service resource and we are pleased to make it available to Foundation and Endowment Committees and their Search Consultants." said James D. Robison, AIF®, Managing Director, Strategic Retirement Partners, Chair of the Advisor Tools Committee of the Retirement Advisor Council, and former President of the Council..
Advisor Search RFP template questionnaires of the Council are developed by the Advisor Tools Committee. Other Advisor Search RFP questionnaire templates available free of charge and copyrights on the website of the Council:
- Retirement Plan Advisor Search RFP (Standard)
- Retirement Plan Advisor Search RFP (Simplified)
- Retirement Plan Advisor Search RFP (Institution of Higher Education)
Also available on the website of the Council are a protocol for conducting retirement plan advisor searches, and a rating tool to help plan sponsors and search consultants compare submitted responses.
About The Retirement Advisor Council
Formed in 2009, the Retirement Advisor Council is a national organization that advocates for successful qualified plan and participant retirement outcomes through the collaborative efforts of experienced, qualified retirement plan advisors, investment managers and defined contribution plan service providers. To advance its mission, the Council undertakes initiatives in the areas of research, public relations and promotion, general public education, regulatory positions, and practice management. The Council accomplishes this mission by:
- Identifying duties, responsibilities, and attributes of the Professional Retirement Plan Advisor.
- Sharing professional standards with plan sponsors who are responsible for the success of their plans.
- Providing collective thought capital to decision makers, product providers, legislators, and the public.
- Giving voice to the retirement plan advisor community
- Offering tools to evaluate advisors to ensure the quality of services provided.
Find out more about the Retirement Advisor Council at www.retirementadavisor.us
The Retirement Advisor Council is a d.b.a. of EACH Enterprise, LLC.
EACH Enterprise, LLC is a single-member LLC owned by Eric A. C. Henon. Learn more at www.retirementadvisor.us